[redfish] #The Redfish Utility reads the following environment variables, and applies them at runtime. #Note that they can be overridden by command line switches. ##### Log Settings ##### ########################################## # directory where iLOrest writes its log file #logdir = .\ilorest_logs ##### Cache Settings ##### ########################################## # option to disable caching of all data #cache = False ##### Credential Settings ##### ########################################## # option to use the provided url to login #url = # option to use the provided username to login #username = admin # option to use the provided password to login #password = password # option to use the provided ssl certificate or certificate bundle for HTTPS validation #sslcert = .\ ##### Commit Settings ##### ########################################## # flag to commit in all places where applicable #commit = True ##### Output Default Settings ##### ########################################## # flag to change output format in all places where applicable #format = json ##### Schema Default Settings ##### ########################################## # directory where iLOrest will look for ilo schemas #iloschemadir = .\ # directory where iLOrest will look for bios schemas #biosschemadir = .\ ##### Default Save/Load Settings ##### ########################################## # option to set default save output file #savefile = redfish.json # option to set default load input file #loadfile = redfish.json