HP Smart Update Manager 4.2.1 Command Line Help

HP Smart Update Manager recognizes the following command line arguments. These 
arguments pre-populate the GUI in the Select Items to be Installed screen. If 
you specify the host or group, the Select Items to be Installed screen will not 
appear. If no command line arguments are executed on the command line, the 
HP Smart Update Manager GUI appears.

Some arguments, such as /romonly and /softwareonly, cannot be used together.

Using HP Smart Update Manager with HP BladeSystem C-Class Onboard Administrator 
or remote hosts requires the user ID, password and the target server IP address 
or DNS name to log in.

The general command line syntax for the HP Smart Update Manager is:

hpsum [/h[elp]] [/?] [/f[orce]] [/f[orce]:bundle] [/f[orce]:rom] 
[/f[orce]:software] [/f[orce]:all ] [/g (/downgrade)] [/e (/rewrite)]
[/m[utual])] [/r[eboot]] [/reboot_message "reboot message"]
[/reboot_delay timeout_in_seconds] [/reboot_always] [/s[ilent]]
[/c[omponent] <component_to_install>] [/group "group_name"] 
[/b[undle] <bundle_to_install>] [/allow_update_to_bundle] 
[/allow_non_bundle_components] [/use_latest] [/use_location "file_share"] 
[/use_web] [/use_proxy <Proxy server>] [/proxy_script <Proxy script>]
[/use_d[ownloaded]] [/tpmbypass] [/ignore_tpm][/use_snmp] [/use_wmi] 
[/romonly] [/softwareonly] [/dryrun] [/continue_on_error <error>] 
[/override_existing_connection] [/express_install] [/user <username> or 
/username <username>] [/passwd <password>] [/current_credential] 
[/target "netAddress"] [/logdir "path"] [/v[erbose]] [/veryv[erbose]]
[/report][/inventory_report] [/firmware_report]
[/On_failed_dependency:<parameter>][/inputfile "filename"]
[/c[omponent] <component_to_install>][<component1_to_install> 
<component2_to_install> ...][<bundle1_to_install> <bundle2_to_install>...]

NOTE: All arguments and information enclosed in brackets are optional. The 
      arguments may be prefixed with either a '-' or '/' character. These 
      examples show only the '/'.

Command line argument 		Description
/h[elp] or /?			This argument displays command line Help
/f[orce] 			This argument enables you to override or 
				downgrade an existing installation of a given 
				software component. This has the same 
				behavior as /f:software.
/f[orce]:bundle			This argument enables you to override or 
				downgrade the existing installation of 
				components in the selected bundle.
/f[orce]:rom			This argument enables you to override or 
				downgrade the existing installation of the 
				selected firmware components. (Applies to 
				firmware only.)
/f[orce]:software		This argument enables you to override or 
				downgrade the existing installation of the 
				selected software components.

/f[orce]:all 			This argument enables you to override or 
				downgrade the existing installation of the 
				selected software components, firmware 
				components, and bundles.
/g or /downgrade 		This argument enables you to downgrade to an 
				earlier version of firmware only for
				multi-target devices such as hard drives and 
				array controllers. (Applies to firmware only.)

/e or /rewrite 			This argument enables you to rewrite the same 
				version of firmware only for multi-target 
				devices such as hard drives and array 
				controllers. (Applies to firmware only.)
/m[utual] 			This argument informs the firmware flash 
				engine to flash the firmware if the device to 
				be flashed is in a shared storage 
				environment. If the device to be flashed is 
				in a shared storage environment and the -m 
				option is not passed, the component 
				installation will fail. (Applies to firmware 
/r[eboot] 			This argument causes the server (or host 
				server in a remote installation) to reboot 
				if the following conditions are met:
				* The /reboot option has been selected or 
				given as a command line argument.
				* All components selected for installation 
				were successfully installed or were not 
				required to install.
				* At least one of the components installed 
				required a reboot to complete its installation.
/reboot_message "message" 	This argument displays the specified reboot 
				message on remote consoles connected to the 
				server to be rebooted. This argument must be 
				used with the /reboot option or it will be 
/reboot_delay timeout_in_secs 	This argument delays server reboot for 
				timeout_in_seconds seconds. This argument 
				must be used with the /reboot option or it 
				will be ignored. Acceptable values are 
				between 15 and 3600. The default timeout 
				alue is 15 seconds for Windows� and 60 
				seconds for Linux. Note: In Linux, the 
				Reboot Delay time is automatically 
				converted from seconds to minutes. Any 
				alue under a full minute, 59 seconds or 
				less, will be rounded to the next minute 
				for Linux.

/reboot_always			This argument forces the server to reboot if 
				the following conditions are met:
				* The /reboot_always option is selected 
				or given as a command line argument.
				* All components selected for installation 
				were successfully installed.
/s[ilent] 			This argument causes the installation to run 
				silently with no GUI or console output. All 
				data writes to the log file. Any generated 
				prompts use the default option and continue the 
				installation without user input. If a component 
				requires input before installation (such as 
				configuration information), then the component 
				installation fails, and an error message writes to 
				the log file. Failed dependencies are not reported 
				to the user when using the /s[ilent]argument. 

				To check for failed dependencies, remove the /s[ilent] 
				argument, reissue the command line, and then the HP 
				Smart Update Manager is presented. 
				Continue_on_error <error> argument is not supported 
				with the /s[ilent] argument for this release of 
				HP Smart Update Manager.

/c[omponent]<component_to_install> This argument specifies components to  
	    or			install.Components to install can be specified  
<component1_to_install>		with or without the /c[omponent] argument. If  
<component2_to_install> ...	using the /c[omponent] argument, only one  
				component can specified with the argument.  
				However, multiple /c arguments and components  
				can be specified on the same line. If the  
				/c[omponent] argument is not used, multiple  
				components can be specified at the same time,  
				but the components must be separated by a 
				blank and listed after all the arguments on 
				the command line. The components are 
				installed in the order 	provided unless 
				dependencies between components require 
				installation in a different order. If so, 
				the utility changes the installation order  
				based on the component dependencies to ensure  
				the successful installation of as many 
				components as possible. Multiple components 
				and bundles can be specified on the same 
				command line. When mixing components and 
				bundles on the 	command line, it is the 
				filter switches that control what what 
				components and bundles are installed.
/group "group_name"		This argument specifies an already defined  
				group name in the HP Smart Update Manager  
				graphical user interface. 
/b[undle] <bundle_to_install>	This argument specifies bundles to install. 
	    or			Bundles to install can be specified with or 
<bundle1_to_install>		without the /b[undle] argument. If using the 
<bundle2_to_install>	    	/b[undle] argument, only one bundle can 
	    			specified with the argument. However, 
	    			multiple /b arguments and bundles can be 
	    			specified on the same line. If the /b[undle] 
	    			argument is not used, multiple bundles can be 
	    			specified at the same time, but the bundles 
	    			need to be separated by a blank and listed 
	    			after all the arguments on the command line. 
	    			Multiple components and bundles can be 
	    			specified on the same command line. When 
	    			mixing components and bundles on the 
				command line, it is the filter switches that 
				control what components and bundles are 
/allow_update_to_bundle		This argument is a filter switch and enables 
				the user to install newer versions of 
				components defined in a PSP or firmware 
				bundle if they exist. This parameter enables 
				these components to replace the older 
				versions of the same component that might 
				have shipped with the bundles.
/allow_non_bundle_components	This argument is a filter switch and enables
				the user to install components which are not 
				included in the bundle but reside in the 
				directory with the components in the bundle.
/use_latest			This argument is a filter switch for use
				with bundles. The argument enables the
				latest version of the bundle to be used
				when multiple versions of bundles are
				listed on the command line. If there are
				no bundles specified on the command
				line, and multiple bundles are in the
				directory, the /use_latest argument
				allows HP Smart Update Manager to use
				the bundle with the latest version for

/use_location "file_share"	This argument specifies a directory or file
				share that contains the PSP and components 
				for use with HP Smart Update Manager. The 
				"file_share" format must be a mapped file share
				and not in Universal Naming Convention (UNC) 
				format.If this argument is not specified, the 
				directory containing hpsum.exe or HP Smart 
				Update Manager is used by default. This will 
				populate the Directory box on the Source 
				Selection screen.
				The logged in account must have access to 
				this location. 
				The /user and /passwd arguments do not have 
				any effect when attempting to access the 
				file share. They are only used when 
				connecting to a target system.

/use_web			This argument specifies that the check box
				for Check ftp.hp.com on the Source Selection 
				screen is to be selected. This allows 
				components to be retrieved from hp.com and to 
				be used in the list of possible updates.

/use_proxy <Proxy server> 	This argument enables the inclusion of a proxy
				server (and port number) to access ftp.hp.com. 	
				This parameter must be used with /use_web.
				For example, /use_web /use_proxy <>

/proxy_script <Proxy script> 	This argument enables the inclusion of a proxy
 				script to access ftp.hp.com. This parameter must 
                                be used with /use_web. 
				For example, /use_web /proxy_script <autoproxy.com>
/use_d[ownloaded]		This argument specifies that the check box
				for Include components previously downloaded
				from HP.com on the Source Selection 
				screen is to be selected. This allows those
				previously downloaded components to be included
				in the list of possible updates.

				This argument is not supported on HP Integrity servers
/tpmbypass or /ignore_tpm	These arguments specifies that if a Trusted 
				Platform Module (TPM) is enabled, the warning 
				message should be ignored and component 
				installation will be allowed to continue.
/use_snmp			This argument specifies that components,
				which use SNMP protocol, are available
				to be selected for installation. These
				components are available for selection
				by default. When the /use_snmp
				argument is used and the /use_wmi
				argument is not, the WMI components
				are optional.

				This argument is not supported on HP Integrity servers.

/use_wmi			This argument specifies that components,
				which use WMI protocol, are available
				to be selected for installation. These
				components are optional by default and
				will not be installed unless this argument
				is used. When the /use_wmi argument
				is used and the /use_snmp argument is
				not, the SNMP components are optional.

				This argument is not supported on HP Integrity servers.

/romonly			This argument is a filter switch and allows 
				the user to only see the firmware 
				components needed for installation. When 
				using this filter switch, you must exit 
				and restart HP Smart Update Manager if you 
				wish to return to an unfiltered state.
				Do not use the /romonly argument with the 
				/softwareonly argument.
/softwareonly			This argument is a filter switch and allows 
				the user to only see the software 
				components needed for installation. When 
				using this filter switch, you must exit 
				and restart HP Smart Update Manager if you 
				wish to return to an unfiltered state.

				Do not use the /softwareonly argument with 
				the /romonly argument.
/dryrun				This argument simulates the installation for 
				a test run. Nothing is installed.
/continue_on_error <error>	This argument causes the installation to
				continue and ignore errors. Valid values
				are <error>=ServerNotFound and
				<error>=BadPassword. The ServerNotFound 
				option can be used to bypass inactive or 
				unavailable remote hosts when deploying 
				firmware or software to multiple remote 
				hosts at the same time.
/override_existing_connection	This argument is used to define the
				behavior when a remote target has an
				existing HP Smart Update Manager
				session in progress. It overrides the 
				session in progress and reinitializes the 
				installation framework on the remote host.
/express_install		This argument starts express install (for 
				local host only). The HP Smart Update Manager 
				performs discovery/install/exit without user 
				interaction. The user can cancel or terminate 
				HP Smart Update Manager.

/user <username> or		This argument enables you to log in to HP 
/username <username>		BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator or 
				remote hosts with this user ID.
/passwd <password>		This argument enables you to use this 
				password for the user ID specified in the 
				/user parameter. The password is used to 
				login to remote hosts and HP BladeSystem 
				c-Class Onboard Administrators.
/current_credential		This argument enables the credential of the 
				local host to be used as the credential to 
				access the targets instead of providing the 
				username and password explicitly for each 
				target. The assumption is that the current 
				credential is valid for the targets being 
				accessed. (Applies to Windows� only) 

/target "netAddress"		This argument is the IP address or the DNS
				name of a remote host which can be remote
				server, remote iLO NIC port, Virtual Connect 
				Ethernet or Fibre Channel Module for c-Class
				BladeSystem, or BladeSystem Onboard Administrator 
				When two Onboard Administrators	are in an 
				enclosure, this argument should be the active
				Onboard Administrator.
/logdir "path"			This argument enables you to redirect the 
				output from HP Smart Update Manager or the HP 
				BladeSystem c-Class Onboard Administrator 
				flash utility to a different directory than 
				the default location. For Windows� 
				components, the default location is 
				and the redirected location is 
				<path>\hp\log\<netAddress>. For Linux 
				components, the default location is 
				/var/hp/log/<netAddress> and the redirected 
				location is <path>/hp/log/<netAddress>.
/v[erbose] or			These arguments enable you to set the verbosity
/veryv[erbose]   		level for the HP Smart Update Manager execution
				log file, hpsum_execution_log_<date>_<time>.log.
				Using one of these arguments increases the level
				of detail that is retained in the log file.
				The default value is normal verbosity.

/report				This argument generates a report listing of the
				target summary and how the components in the 
				repository affect the target. For example, 
				whether each component applies to the target 
				or not. The report is generated in HTML and 
				XML with file name formats of  
				HPSUM_Report_<date>_<time>.html and 
				HPSUM_Report_<date>_<time>.xml. By default, 
				the files are located in the present working 
				directory where HP Smart Update Manager is 
				initiated from. If that location is write-
				protected, the files can be found in the same 
				directory as the HP Smart Update Manager log 
				Including other arguments on the command line 
				can modify the contents of the report. Using 
				the /target argument will allow reports to be 
				generated for different targets.

/inventory_report		This argument generates a report listing of the 
				components in the specified repository. The 
				report is generated in HTML and XML with file 
				name formats of
				HPSUM_Inventory_Report_<date>_<time>.html and 
				HPSUM_Inventory_Report_<date>_<time>.xml. By 
				default, the files are located in the present 
				working directory where HP Smart Update Manager 
				is initiated from. If that location is write-
				protected, the files can be found in the same 
				directory as the HP Smart Update Manager log 

/firmware_report		This argument generates a report listing of the 
				firmware installed and details of the target. 
				The report is generated in HTML and XML with 
				file names of HPSUM_Firmware_Report.html and 
				fwreport.xml in the directory named 
				HPSUM_Firmware_Report_<date>_<time>. By default, 
				this directory is located in the present 
				working directory where HP Smart Update Manager
				is initiated from. If that location is write-
				protected, the directory can be found in the 
				same directory as the HP Smart Update Manager 
				log files.
				Including other arguments on the command line 
				can modify the contents of the report. Using 
				the /target argument will allow reports to be 
				generated for different targets.

				This argument is not supported on HP Integrity Servers.				
/On_failed_dependency:		This argument provides HP Smart Update Manager 
<parameter>			the information of how to proceed when a component 
				has a failed dependency. The supported parameters 
				for this argument are Omit_Host (default), 
				Omit_Component and Force.
				Omit_Host causes the host to be put into a failure 
				state and no installation is attempted. 
				Omit_Component deselects the affected component(s)
				and proceeds with any updates that do not have 
				dependency failures. 
				Force attempts all updates, even if they have 
				dependency failures.

/inputfile "filename"		This argument allows you to script the deployment 
				of firmware and software to multiple remote systems 
				at one time. See the help in HP Smart Update Manager
				or the HP Smart Update Manager User Guide for 
				details of the file format and commands.

/deleteinputfile 		This argument enables you to instruct HP SUM to 
				delete the input file after it has been read in.

/oa_username	 		This parameter is used to provide the username 	
				credential for OA associated with VC specified with
				"target" command-line parameter. Only one set of OA
				credentials can be specified with command-line 
				Multiple VC targets can be added to command-line 
				parameters with "target" parameter only in the event if 
				credentials of OAs associated with specified VCs are the
 				same. The parameter "oa_username" is not required if VC 
				has the same credentials as associated A. You do not
				need to provide OA network address associated with 
				Virtual Connect. HP SUM queries it from a specified VC 		

				To update multiple VCs with different username and
				password or VCs with OAs which have different 
				credentials, the corresponding input files OAUID and 
				OAPWD must be used.

oa_password 			This parameter is used to provide the password 
				credential for OA associated with VC specified with 
				"target" command-line parameter. Only one set of OA
				credentials can be specified with command-line 

				Multiple VC targets can be added to command line
				parameters with "target" parameter only in the event if
				credentials of OAs associated with specified VCs are the
 				same. The parameter "oa_password" is not required if VC
				has the same credentials as associated OA. You do not
				need to provide OA network address associated with 
				Virtual Connect. HP SUM queries it from a specified VC

				To update multiple VCs with different username and
				password or VCs with OAs which have different 
				credentials, the corresponding input files OAUID and 
				OAPWD must be used.

Input File Parameters

Parameter			Description						Possible Values

SILENT				This parameter causes the installation to run 		YES, NO
				silently with no GUI or console output. All  
				data is written to the log file. Any generated 
				prompts use the default option and continue the 
				installation without user input. If a component 
				requires input before installation (such as 
				configuration information), then the component 
				installation fails (unless the IGNOREERRORS = 
				"Failedependencies" parameter is supplied), and 
				an error message is written to the log file. 
				Silent installation of EVA components is not 

FORCEALL			This parameter forces both firmware and software 	YES, NO

FORCEROM 			This parameter forces updates to firmware 		YES, NO

FORCESOFTWARE 			This parameter forces updates to software 		YES, NO

FORCEBUNDLE 			This parameter enables you to override or		YES, NO 
				downgrade an existing installation of components 
				in the selected bundle.  

DOWNGRADE 			(Applies to firmware only.) This parameter 		YES, NO
				enables	you to downgrade to an earlier version 
				of firmware for multi-target devices such as 
				hard drives and array controllers.  

REWRITE 			(Applies to firmware only.) This parameter 		YES, NO
				enables you to rewrite the same version of 
				firmware only for multi-target devices such as 
				hard drives and array controllers.  

REBOOTALLOWED 			This parameter enables you to reboot if 	 	YES, NO
REBOOTMESSAGE 			This parameter enables you to create a message  	Any String (not 
				to be displayed prior to rebooting. 			exceeding 256 
REBOOTDELAY 			This parameter enables you to delay before 		Time in seconds

COMPONENTSLIST 			This parameter enables you to limit the list 	 	Component names with 
				of components to be updated.				file extensions 
											(.exe, .rpm and .scexe) 
BUNDLESLIST 			This parameter enables you to limit the list 	 	Bundle file names 
				of bundle xml files to be filtered. 

ALLOWUPDATEBUNDLE 		This parameter is a filter switch and enables 		YES, NO
				the user to install newer versions of components 
				defined in a PSP or firmware bundle. This 
				parameter enables these components to replace  
				the older versions of the same component that  
				might have shipped with the bundles.  

SKIPTARGET 			This parameter defines the behavior when a 	 	YES, NO
				remote target has an existing HP SUM session in  
				progress. This parameter enables you to skip 
				the host if there is already an existing HP SUM 
				session. A NO overrides the session in progress 
				and reinitializes the installation framework on 
				the remote host.  

IGNOREERRORS 			This parameter causes the installation to 	 	ServerNotFound, 
				continue and ignore errors. The ServerNotFound  	BadPassword,
				option can be used to bypass inactive or 	  	FailedDependencies
				unavailable remote hosts when deploying 
				firmware or software to multiple remote hosts 
				at the same time. FailedDependencies can be 
				used to ignore any failed dependencies and 
				proceed with the ones that are ready to be 

SOURCEPATH 			This parameter can be used to provide a single  	Directory path
				local repository path. This creates an 
				inventory from the given path instead of the 
				local or default repository. 
USELATEST 			This parameter is a filter switch for use with 		YES, NO 
				bundles. The argument enables you to use the  
				latest version of the bundle when multiple 
				versions of bundles are listed on the command 
				line. If there are no bundles specified on the 
				command line, and multiple bundles are in the 
				directory, this parameter allows HP SUM to use 
				the bundle with the latest version for 

DRYRUN 				This parameter simulates the installation for 		YES, NO 
				a test run. Nothing is installed. 

OPTIONS 			This parameter can be used to specify the HP SUM 
				CLI options inside the input file, which 
				overrides the configuration settings. Parameters 
				can be separated by a semi-colon, comma or a 
				space. One or more CLI switches 
				For example: OPTIONS = /f:rom, /silent 

USESNMP 			This parameter specifies that components, which 	YES, NO
				use SNMP protocol, are available to be selected 
				for installation. These components are 
				available for selection by default. When the 
				USESNMP argument is used, and the USEWMI 
				argument is not used, the WMI components are 

USEWMI 				This parameter specifies that components, which 	YES, NO
				use WMI protocol, are available to be selected 
				for installation. These components are optional 
				by default and will not be installed unless 
				this argument is used. When the USEWMI argument 
				is used, and the USESNMP argument is not used, 
				the SNMP components are optional.  

ROMONLY 			This parameter is a filter switch and allows 		YES, NO
				the user to view only the firmware components 
				needed for installation. 
				Do not use the /romonly argument with the 
				/softwareonly parameter.  
SOFTWAREONLY 			This parameter is a filter switch and allows 	 	YES, NO 
				the user to view only the software components 
				needed for installation.
				Do not use the /softwareonly parameter with  
				the /romonly parameter. 

USECURRENTCREDENTIAL 		(Applies to Windows� operating systems only.) 		YES, NO
				This parameter enables the credentials of the 
				local host to be used as the credentials to 
				access the targets instead of providing the 
				username and password explicitly for each 
				target.	The assumption is that the current 
				credentials are valid for the targets being 

WEBUPDATENEEDED 		This parameter enables you to instruct HP SUM 		YES, NO 
				to include the components from ftp.hp.com in 
				the list of possible updates. 

				(This parameter does not apply to HP Integrity 

USEPROXYSERVER 			This parameter enables the inclusion of a 	 	String value For example, 
				proxy server(and port number) to access 
				(This parameter does not apply to HP Integrity 
USEPROXYSCRIPT 			This parameter enables the inclusion of a 	 	Web URL (For example, 
				proxy script to access ftp.hp.com.				autoproxy.com) 

				(This parameter does not apply to HP Integrity 

DELETEINPUTFILE 		This parameter enables you to instruct HP SUM 	 	YES, NO (default)
				to delete the input file after it has been 
				read in.  

ONFAILEDDEPENDENCY 		This parameter instructs HP SUM how to proceed 		OmitHost (default),
				when a component has a failed dependency.		OmitComponent, 
				The default of OmitHost causes the host to be 		Force
				put in a failure state and no install is 
				attempted on it. OmitComponent deselects the 
				affected components and proceeds with any 
				updates that do not have dependency failures. 
				Force attempts all updates, even if they have 
				dependency failures. 
HOST 				This parameter is the IP address or the DNS 	 	IP address or DNS name 
				name of a remote server, remote iLO NIC port, 
				Virtual Connect Ethernet or Fibre Channel 
				Module for c-Class BladeSystem, or BladeSystem 
				Onboard Administrator.
				When two Onboard Administrators are in an 		
				enclosure, this parameter should be the active 
				Onboard Administrator. When specifying the IP 
				address, you can use either the IPv4 or IPv6 
				format. This parameter specifies an already 
				defined group name in the HP SUM GUI. 

UID 				This parameter enables you to log in to the 		Host User ID
				target host with your user ID. 

PWD 				This parameter enables you to use the password 		Host Password
				for the user ID specified in the UID. The 
				password is used to log in to target host. 
LOGFILENAME 			This parameter enables you to set the name of 		Log file name 
				the log file generated by HP SUM to something 
				other than the default of /var/log/hppldu.log. 
				The path must already exist or the log file 
				will remain the default file name. 

CMALOCALHOSTRWCOMMSTR 		This parameter enables you to specify an SNMP 		SNMP read-write 
				read/write community string for local host 		community string 

CMALOCALHOSTROCOMMSTR 		This parameter enables you to specify an SNMP 		SNMP read-only 
				read-only community string for local host 	 	community string 

CMAMGMTSTATIONRWIPORDNS 	This parameter enables you to specify the IP 		IP address or DNS name.
				address or DNS host name of a system with 
				read/write access to serve as a management 
				station. You can specify multiple locations 
				separated by a space. 

CMAMGMTSTATIONRWCOMMSTR 	This parameter enables you to specify an SNMP 		SNMP read-write 
				read/write access that serves as a anagement 		community string
				read/write community string for a system with 
				station. You can specify multiple strings 
				separated by a space. 

CMAMGMTSTATIONROIPORDNS 	This parameter enables you to specify the IP 		IP address or DNS name 
				address or DNS host name of a system ith 
				read-only access to serve as a management 
				station. You can specify multiple locations 
				separated by a space. 

CMAMGMTSTATIONROCOMMSTR 	This parameter enables you to specify an SNMP 		SNMP read-write  
				read/write community string for a system with 		community string
				read-only access that servesas a management 
				station. You can specify multiple strings 
				separated by a space.  
CMADEFTRAPCOMMSTR 		This parameter enables you to set a default 		SNMP community string 
				SNMP community string for traps. 

CMATRAPDESTINATIONCOMMSTR 	This parameter enables you to specify 			SNMP Trap destination 
				the SNMP destination trap community string. 

CMATRAPDESTINATIONIPORDNS  	This parameter enables you to specify the 		IP address or DNS name 
				IP address or DNS host name of a server as a 
				destination for SNMP traps, such as Systems 
				Insight Manager. 

CMASYSCONTACT 			This parameter enables you to specify a person 		String value 
				or a phone number for admissions of this 

CMASYSLOCATION 			This parameter enables you to designate the 		String value 
				location of this system. 

CMASTARTWEBAGENT 		This parameter determines whether the HP Insight 	Yes (Start the web agent), 
				Systems Manager web agent is started when the      	No (Do not start the web agent)  
				health application loads.  

CMASTARTSTORAGEAGENT 		This parameter determines whether the HP Insight 	Yes (Start the storage agent),
				Systems Manager storage agent is started when 		No (Do not start the storage agent) 
				the health application loads. 

CMANOTAINTEDKERNEL 		This parameter determines whether the HP 		Yes (Start the HP Lights-Out  
				Lights-Out management driver is started when 	 	management driver), No (Do not start 
				the health application loads.  				the HP Lights-Out management driver) 

HPVCAVCRMSERVER  		This parameter informs the VCA of the name of 		VCRM name 
				the VCRM to use as a software distribution 

HPVCAVCRMLOGINID  		This parameter is the login ID that the VCA 		VCA login ID 
				uses to communicate with the VCRM. 

HPVCAVCRMLOGINPASSWD  		This parameter is the password for the login 	 	VCA login password 
				ID specified in the HPVCAVCRMLOGINID parameter. 

ADMIN-GROUP  			This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		Up to five Linux groups, separated 
				Management Homepage (hpsmh) to set up security 		by spaces or semicolons, to enable 
				for the web server.   					administrative access to the web server.
USER-GROUP 			This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		Up to five Linux groups, separated by 
				Management Homepage to set up security for the 		spaces or semicolons, to enable user-level 
				web server.   						access to the web services. 

OPERATOR-GROUP 			This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		Up to five Linux groups, separated by 
				Management Homepage to set up security for the 		spaces or semicolons, to enable  
				web server.  						operator-level access to the web services.

ANONYMOUS-ACCESS 		This parameter determines whether an anonymous 		yes, no (default) 
				user can access the HP Systems Management 

IP-BINDING 			This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		yes, no (default) 
				Management Homepage to determine whether 
				hpsmh can use all available NICs and 
				detected subnets for its web services. 

IP-BINDING-LIST 		This parameter is used by the HP Systems		IP address/NetMask pairs separated by  
				Management Homepage to restrict the NICs and 		semicolons  (for example, 
				subnets to use for its web services. The; 
				IP-BINDING parameter must be set to "yes" for 
				this parameter to be used during installation.  
IP-RESTRICTED-LOGINS 		This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		yes, no (default) 
				Management Homepage to restrict login access. 
				Note: To enable restrictions on who can log 
				in to the web server, this parameter must be 
				set to "yes," and values must be provided to 
				IP-RESTRICTED-INCLUDE parameters. 

IP-RESTRICTED-EXCLUDE 		This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		List of IP address ranges separated by 
				Management Homepage to exclude specific IP 		semicolons (for example,   
				address/NetMask pairs from logging into the;
				web services.
				Note: This parameter is ignored unless the 
				IP-RESTRICTED-LOGINS parameter is set to 
IP-RESTRICTED-INCLUDE 		This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		List of IP address ranges separated by 
				Management Homepage to enable login only from 		semicolons  (for example, 
				the IP address/NetMask pairs specified.; 
				Note: This parameter is ignored unless the 
				IP-RESTRICTED-LOGINS parameter is set to "yes". 

LOCALACCESS-ENABLED 		This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		yes (default to enable anonymous access), no  
				Management Homepage to determine whether to 
				enable local anonymous access to the web 

LOCALACCESS-TYPE 		This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		Anonymous (default), Administrator.
				Management Homepage to determine the type of 
				access granted to local users.  
				CAUTION: Selecting local access with 
				administrator privileges as the login provides 
				full access to any user with access to the 
				local console, without prompting for a user 
				name or password. 

TRUSTMODE 			This parameter is used by the HP Systems 		1. TrustByCert - if this value is used, the 
				Management Homepage to set up the trust 		CERTLIST parameter must be defined to enable 
				relationship mode. 					access to the server. 
				Note: The accepted values are case-sensitive 		2. TrustByName - if this value is used, 
				and must be capitalized as shown. Failure to 		the XENAMELIST parameter must be defined.
				do so prevents the trust relationship from		3. TrustByAll - HP does not recommend using  
				being set up properly during installation 		this value because of possible negative
				and might affect access to the web server. 		security consequences.  

CERTLIST 			This parameter enables a user to provide a 		Certificate file name or 
				list of certificate files or servers where 		Server DNS name
				certificates can be obtained for trust 
				relationships for the HP Systems Management 

				Note: This parameter is only valid if the 
				TRUSTMODE parameter is set to TrustByCert. 
XENAMELIST 			This parameter enables a user to provide a 		Server DNS Name 
				list of servers, separated by semicolons, 
				for trust relationships for the HP Systems 
				Management Homepage. Note: This parameter is 
				only valid if the TRUSTMODE parameter is set 
				to TrustByName. 

HPQLA2X00FO 			This parameter is used by the hp_qla2x00 		"SinglePath," "SecurePath," or 
				Qlogic Fibre Channel Driver to determine 		"QLogicFailover."  
				the failover mode to use. 				(There is no default value) 
HPQLA2X00FORCE 			This parameter is used by the hp_qla2x00 		Y, N (default)  
				QLogic Fibre Channel Driver to determine 
				whether to skip detection of third party 

OAUID				This parameter is used to provide the username		User can define
				credential for OA associated with VC. User has		OAUID variable
				to define a value of these variables before		multiple times 
				HOST variable in [TARGETS] section.			before each HOST variable.
				This parameter only applies for VC firmware.

OAPWD				This parameter is used to provide the password		User can define
				credential for OA associated with VC. User has		OAPWD variable
				to define a value of these variables before 		multiple times
				HOST variable in [TARGETS] section.			before each
											HOST variable.
				This parameter only applies for VC firmware.

Component Configuration for Windows components only

To configure components without going through the HP Smart Update Manager 
GUI, issue the command, hpsum_config. This command presents the same 
configuration screens seen in the HP Smart Update Manager GUI. You must 
run this command from a CD or other read/write media or the component 
cannot be configured. Configuration for a given component only needs to be 
executed once. The configuration is stored within the component and is 
propagated to all target servers when deployed through HP Smart Update 
Manager GUI or command line. To change the configuration, rerun 
hpsum_config against the component and a new configuration writes out. 
If a component does not need configuration, hpsum_config will return 
to the console. 

To configure components to be deployed on all editions of the Microsoft� 
Windows Server� 2008 with the Server Core option, you must access the 
system as a remote host using HP Smart Update Manager running on a system 
with a supported Windows� operating system, and then configure the 
components before deployment. 

Return codes

HP Smart Update Manager has consolidated return codes from Linux and Windows� 
smart components into a new, enhanced return code mapping. These return codes 
determine the status of the component installation. You can also use return 
codes in a script to control the execution of the script and determine any 
required branching.

Return code			Value	Linux	Windows 	Text
SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT		  0	  0	  0	The installation was 
SUCCESS_REBOOT			  1	  1	  1	The installation was 
							successful, but a 
							reboot is required.
SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED		  3	  3	  3	The component was 
							current or not 
FAILURE_GENERAL			 -1	 255	 255	A general failure 
							occurred. See the 
							error log for details.
FAILURE_BAD_PARM		 -2	 254	 254	A bad input parameter 
							was encountered.
FAILURE_COMPONENT_FAILED	 -3	 253	 253	The installation of 
							the component failed.

Windows smart component return codes

Error level	Meaning

0		The Smart Component failed to install. 
		Refer to the log file for more details.
1		The Smart Component installed successfully.
2		The Smart Component installed successfully, 
		but the system must be restarted.
3		The installation was not attempted because the required 
		hardware was not present, the software was current, or 
		there was nothing to install.

Linux smart component return codes 

1. Single target servers

Error level	Meaning

0		The Smart Component installed successfully.
1		The Smart Component installed successfully, 
		but the system must be restarted.
2		The installation was not attempted because the required 
		hardware was not present, the software was current, or 
		there was nothing to install.
3		The Smart Component failed to install. 
		Refer to the log file for more details.

2. Multi-target servers

Error level	Meaning

0		The installation of the deliverable was successful.  
		No reboot was required
1		The installation of the deliverable was successful.  
		A reboot is required for the deliverable to be enabled.
2		The installation was not attempted because the version 
		to be installed matches the version already installed
3		The installation was not attempted because of one of the 

		- The version to be installed is older than the 
		  version already installed
		- Supported hardware was not present, not enabled, 
		  or in a state that  an installation could not be 

		- Installation was not attempted because the 
		  component did not support the environment
		- There was nothing for the component to do 

4		If the component is installing to a remote target 
		(i.e., Onboard Administrator or other network-based deployment), 
		this return code indicates the target was not found.
5		This return code indicates the installation was 
		canceled by a user before anything could be installed
6		This return code indicates the installer could not execute 
		because of an unmet dependency or installation tool failure
7		This return code indicates the actual installation operation 
		(not the installation tool) failed.  

Linux RPM return codes

Error level	Meaning

0		The Linux RPM installation was successful. 
1		The Linux RPM installation failed.