configure Description Enables you to export, import, and display component configuration settings in a baseline. Syntax smartupdate configure --export baseline=<baselinename> dir=<directoryname> [component=<componentname> includeCredentials=true|false>] smartupdate configure --import baseline=<baselinename> dir=<directoryname> [component=<componentname>] smartupdate configure --show baseline=<baselinename> [component=<componentname> Parameters/Options/Flags/Strings/... /export This parameter exports component configuration to a specified directory. /import This parameter imports component configuration from a specified directory. /show This parameter displays the component configuration options for the components in a baseline. baseline=<baselinename> Use this parameter to specify the baseline that contains the component you want to import, export, or show. dir=<directoryname> Use this parameter to specify the directory where you want to export or from where you want to import component configuration settings. component=<componentname> This is an optional parameter. This specifies the name of the component that you want to import, export, or show. If you do not specify a component, SUM exports, imports, or shows all components in a baseline. includeCredentials=<true|false> This is an optional parameter. If you select true, SUM includes the user credentials when it exports configuration settings. The default for this parameter is true. Windows usage C:\>smartupdate configure /import baseline=C:\spp.2012.01 dir=C:\Components In this example, all the component configurations present under C:\Components directory for C:\spp.2012.01 baseline will be loaded into SUM. C:\>smartupdate configure /import baseline=C:\spp.2012.01 dir=C:\Components\cp022423_conf component=cp022423.exe In this example, SUM only imports the configuration for the component cp022423.exe of the baseline C:\spp.2012.01 in the directory C:\Components. C:\>smartupdate configure /show baseline=C:\spp.2012.01 In this example, SUM displays all the component configurations from the baseline C:\spp.2012.01. Linux usage $ ./smartupdate configure --export baseline=/root/SPP.2012.01 dir=/root/Components In this example, SUM exports all the component configurations from the baseline /root/SPP.2012.01 to the directory /root/Components. $ ./smartupdate configure --export baseline=/root/SPP.2012.01 dir=/root/Components component=hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm includeCredentials=false In this example, SUM only exports the configuration for the component hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm from the baseline /root/SPP.2012.01 present in the directory /root/Components. SUM does not export credentials in this example. $ ./smartupdate configure --show baseline=/root/SPP.2012.01 component=hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm In this example, SUM displays only the configuration for the component hp-snmp-agents-10.10-2657.7.rhel6.i686.rpm from the baseline /root/SPP.2012.01. Return codes SUCCESS_NO_REBOOT Windows: 0 Linux: 0 Text: The command was successful. SUCCESS_REBOOT Windows: 1 Linux: 1 Text: The command was successful but a reboot is required. SUCCESS_NOT_REQUIRED Windows: 3 Linux: 3 Text: The command completed successfully, but was not required or everything was already current. FAILURE_GENERAL Windows: -1 Linux: 255 Text: A general failure occurred. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_BAD_PARM Windows: -2 Linux: 254 Text: A bad input parameter was encountered. For details, see the logs. FAILURE_COMPONENT_FAILED Windows: -3 Linux: 253 Text: The installation of the component failed. FAILURE_COMMAND_FAILED Windows: -4 Linux: 252 Text: The command failed. For details, see the logs.