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Smart Update Manager Online Help
Smart Update Manager
Scaling SUM updates in your environment
Status icon descriptions
Downloading SUM
Files included in the SUM download
Downloading SUM from the Hewlett Packard Enterprise website
Downloading SUM from the SDR website
Downloading an SPP Custom Download
Migrating node information to the current SUM version
SUM and SPP boot environments
SUM modes
SUM modes
Deployment modes
Deployment scenarios
Deploying firmware for ProLiant servers using the SPP
Deploying HPE Synergy with SUM
Log files and changing directory locations
Collecting log files in SUM Online mode
Collecting log files in SUM Offline mode
SUM log file locations
SUM log locations
Using the sum.ini file
Editing the default sum.ini file
Creating a sum.ini file
Changing the temporary directory
sum.ini file parameters
Launching SUM
About web browser security certificate
Importing the security certificate to Firefox
Importing the security certificate to Google Chrome
Importing the security certificate to Internet Explorer
Launching SUM
Launching SUM in GUI mode from an ISO
Launching SUM from the RPM
Using a different version of SUM with an SPP ISO
Disabling BitLocker to permit firmware updates (Windows only)
About using SUM with BitLocker
Linux root credentials for remote nodes
Prerequisites for using Linux sudo credentials
Using an SSH keyfile with root credentials
Logging into SUM from the GUI
Closing SUM
Logging out of the SUM GUI
Clearing the SUM cache
Using the SUM GUI
Updating a node with SUM overview
SUM Home screen
SUM Activity screen
SUM Localhost Guided Update
Using Localhost Guided Update in Interactive mode
Using Localhost Guided Update in Automatic mode
SUM Baseline Library screen
About SUM baselines
Adding a baseline
Creating a custom baseline and ISO
Generating baseline reports
Validating a baseline
Re-validating baseline components
Deleting a baseline
Baseline addition or inventory cancellation
Component configuration
Configuring components
Configuring and Exporting Components
Importing component configuration settings
SUM Nodes screen
About node status
Viewing LiveLog information
Adding a node
Adding a single node by IP or DNS name
Adding a node by searching a range of addresses
Adding nodes with an input file
Associated nodes deployment behavior
Node-specific additional details
Editing a node
Aborting a node update
Performing node inventory
Staging components
Deploying a node
Deploying to and managing iLO Repository with SUM
Generating node reports
Deleting a node
Server overview
iLO Repository
iLO 5 Gen10 security states
Node Groups screen
Adding a node group
Editing a node group
Performing node group inventory
Staging the node group
Deploying a node group
Generating node group reports
Aborting a node group update
Deleting a node group
Network information
Using SUM with IPv6 networks
SUM network ports used
.ini file port addresses
SUM engine troubleshooting
SUM stops responding
sum_service_x64 does not launch locally in SLES 12 SP3 beta 2
SUM unexpectedly logs off users
SUM displays component failed validation error
SUM displays zero free space on a drive
Text is not translated
SUM restricts multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user
SUM reports port errors
Browser closes connection with SUM
SUM does not allow user to log off as expected
Baseline troubleshooting
SUM dependency issues
SUM displays a dependency error for self-inventory components
SUM does not validate a component
SUM displays multiple versions of the same component
A component is listed as disabled
Custom baseline screen does not display node types
SUM does not save baselines after a Remote Desktop session
SUM does not validate HTTP baselines
SUM screens display outdated information
SUM refreshes the browser when adding a baseline
SUM cannot select a component for deployment
Baseline inventory does not respond for SPP ISO
Node troubleshooting
Google Chrome crashes frequently on the Nodes page
SUM offline deploy fails to start on all selected servers
Unable to add a node in High Security mode
Localhost inventory fails when RBSU admin password is set
SUM does not add an SMB-enabled Linux node with Unknown node type
SUM has an issue with sudo user
The SUM Deploy button is disabled
SUM node inventory fails
SUM does not detect a component
Linux hosts do not add Windows nodes
SUM cannot connect to a node
NIC firmware does not activate
No component version information displayed
Command open_firewall does not work
Firewall error on a remote node error
Determining which HPCISSS2 and HPCISSS3 drivers to install
SUM skips Broadcom ports
SUM reports OA update incorrectly
SUM does not deploy to Windows cluster nodes
SUM does not process encryption keys included in node input file details
SUM does not delete install sets from the Nodes page in IE 11.44
VMware troubleshooting
RPM updates do not deploy to VMware nodes
Unsupported Windows ROM components list on Gen10 VMware OS instead of VMware components
Reports troubleshooting
SUM does not generate reports
Websites and support
Support and other resources
Accessing Hewlett Packard Enterprise Support
Accessing updates
Customer self repair
Remote support
Warranty information
Regulatory information
Documentation feedback