Letter Q

qof - Query engine library for C objects

Website: http://qof.sf.net
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
QOF - The Query Object Framework is a C library that provides a query engine
to C applications.  This allows SQL-like queries to be performes on a
collection of C/C++ objects (which act like SQL tables).

QOF is an offshoot of the GnuCash engine, consisting of those pieces
unrelated to accounting.  The Query Engine allows C/C++ applications
to treat random collections of objects as if they were SQL tables,
and perform table-join type queries across them.  In addition, the
query engine can be backed by an actual database, so that instances
of local objects can act as a 'cache' to a much larger SQL database.


qof-0.7.5-2.fc9.i386 [190 KiB] Changelog by Jon Ciesla (2008-04-02):
- Fix multilib conflict, BZ 343011.
qof-0.7.5-2.fc9.x86_64 [177 KiB] Changelog by Jon Ciesla (2008-04-02):
- Fix multilib conflict, BZ 343011.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.2-1.fc9