v1.0.7 - Krypton support - More accurately display build progress - Additional properties available via window properties in management dialog - Fix for add-on shortcut visibility conditions v1.0.6 - Option not to share menus between skins; never hide PVR shortcuts - Icons and thumbs are saved on a per-skin basis - mtime of files is used to determine if they have changed - New icon element for background overrides - Support building variables in templates - Add conditional custom property fallback override - Add requires and templateOnly elements to properties - Various language changes - Speed improvements - Minor fixes v1.0.2 - Fix for music addon shortcuts on Isengard - New artwork - thanks schimi2k - Template improvements - Management dialog improvements - Minor fixes v1.0.0 - Enable 'Get More...' installation of widget providers - Return to using json to enable/disable Kodi debug logging - Jarvis shortcut changes - Load skin-playlists from subdirectories - Ability to set custom property fallback value - Cleanup - Minor fixes v0.6.6 - Template improvements - Widget selection improvements - Custom property selection improvements - Fix properties being applied to wrong profile - Just Select Widget method - [aqab0N] Unicode fix - Ability to restore deleted shortcut via 308 - Global override adjustments - Fix clonebackground/clonewidgets; add cloneproperties - [tomer953] Remove requirement for ::ACTION:: in action override to be the only text in element - [tomer953] Management dialog - Insert new menu in the current location instead of add them at the end - [tomer953] RTL Support - reverse string before inserting them to the keyboard dialog as a workaround to a kodi bug. - Minor bug fixes v0.6.0 - Version bump for Isengard repo. v0.5.4 - Rollback for Helix repo - fixes incompatiblitly with some Helix skins. v0.5.3 - [HitcherUK] Add shutdown timer functions - Support for conditional group overrides - [bambi73] Add default thumbnail browse option - [bambi73] Add support for <propertypattern /> - Templates - Path property for using shortcut as widgets - Switch to audio nodes for Isengard - Change action function - New widget selection options - Global overrides - [roee88] Unicode fixes - Speed improvements - Minor bug fixes v0.4.5 - [marcelveldt] fixed issues with assign thumbnail dialog. v0.4.4 - [phate89] Use files.getDirectory to list playlists - Just Select method - option to show 'None' - New management dialog button 311 - select from defined thumbnails - Conditions for available widgets and backgrounds - Ability to check for shortcuts - Speed improvements loading management dialog - Fixes - Updated language files from Transifex (from 8th December 2014) v0.4.2 - [robweber] Fix for profiles shared via path substitution - Integration with plugin.program.video.node.editor - Change how submenuVisibility property is generated - Skin and script default shortcuts now loaded from defaultID property - Ability to set background and widget defaults based on defaultID - Ability to skip warning when resetting all shortcuts - Skin settings set to identify which backgrounds and widgets have been selected by user - Window property to identify when additional management dialog has been launched - Custom visibility properties are now honoured by management dialog - Shortcuts always use video nodes (where appropriate) rather than library links - Updated language files from Transifex (from 19th October 2014) v0.4.0 - New localisation code - New XML data store - Removal of Gotham list-filling methods - [bambi73] - Ability to replace label with widgetName - Ability to create shortcuts to library sources not showing content from source selected - Ability to choose random version of auto-generated source playlists as widget or background - Ability to clone widget and background properties from main menu to submenu items - Ability to force Settings link in menu - Ability to return thumbnail as icon for available shortcuts - New management dialog controls to show management dialog for additional sub-menus - New available shortcut grouping - picture sources - Improved labelID's for add-ons - Indicator for default background and widget - Menu rebuilt on changes to script-skinshortcuts-includes.xml file - Auto-enable debug logging and offer to upload debug log on menu build failure (requires XBMC Log Uploader on system) - Code cleanup - Fixes > Fix for setting skin thumbnail property when using Just Select method > Fix for menus failing to build when the action for a shortcut contains a unicode character > Dirty fix for situations where a playlist in a menu will cause that menu to appear empty > Return skin playlists via special:// protocol (current skin only) - Updated language files from Transifex (from 11th June 2014) v0.3.4 - XML files are formatted (includes.xml, auto-generated playlists), includes now have an id property - New 'Settings' available shortcut grouping - Ability to override available shortcuts type, widget type - Ability to build main menu and standalone menus - A couple of small fixes and improvements - Fix: Work around XBMC translating numering labelID's to their localised string, causing sub-menus not to show v0.3.3 - Available shortcuts in management dialog improvements: > Improved and customisable groupings > Control over location and visibility of skin-provided shortcuts > UPnP and video sources explorer, including linking to library limited-by-source > More PVR options including playing individual channels > When using select dialog, now displays label2's and thumbnails > Correct thumbnail/icon usage > Addition of skin-required shortcuts which can't be deleted > Ability to warn user before deleting shortcuts to select actions - Improved labelID generation - Add option to tell management dialog not to fill label's on management dialog controls, additional label 500 for window title - Ability to override shortcut actions based on XBMC version - Skinners can now only override icons, not thumbnails - Fix for crash when no profiles.xml file - Fix for single-list xml method to return to main menu item when hiding submenu - Fix for action sometimes not showing in label2 in management dialog - Updated language files from Transifex v0.3.1 - Fixes: No favourites showing in management dialog Script crash on choosing empty group in skin-managed selection dialog Remove visibility condition for Eject Tray shortcut v0.3.0 - Fix escaping of main menu items (includes method) - Fix for custom nodes when using profiles - Fix for includes method when using multiple profiles - Load skin-provided playlists and playlists from sub-folders - Ability to browse a plugin from the management dialog - Ability to provide recommended shortcuts in management dialog - Ability to choose to play or display a playlist - Improved method of managing additional properties - Method to list menu and submenus in a single include - Ability to allow a user to select a shortcut, then pass this to the skin to manage - Library/playlists/addon/favourites loading code moved to separate module, loaded threaded - Menu now be rebuilt on skin or script version and profile changes (includes method) - Updated language files from Transifex v0.2.4 - Fix listing individual groups with <include> method - Parse favourites.xml directly - Add XBMC Commands shortcut group - Updated language files from Transifex v0.2.2 - New optional method of listing shortcuts via includes file - Option to allow user to browse for image or use playlist as background - Option to allow user to choose playlist as widget - Overrides and defaults now limitable by groupname - Fix for custom video nodes - Bug fixes and stability improvements - Updated language files from Transifex v0.2.0 - Removed check for settings shortcut (skins are now recommended to always provide alternative settings access) - Video library shortcuts are loaded from video library node files (test) - Video and music playlists are now grouped together - Live TV renamed to PVR - Support for managing widgets, backgrounds, custom properties - Shortcuts with overriden images and override files are kept in memory to speed up listings - Submenu shortcuts are now all loaded at once, with visibility conditions for switching lists - Improved utf-8 support - Bug fixes v0.1.0 - Initial release