Version 1.3.1
Retry getting AOL feed if failed

Version 1.3.0
implement new scraper for vidible

Version 1.2.1
Fixed unicode conversion.

Version 1.2.0
Engadgets html changed again - Using a xml feed instead of scraping main engadget website.

Version 1.1.2
Engadgets html changed again

Version 1.1.1
Engadgets video website format changed, adapt to no HTML layout

Version 1.1.0
Caching should now work, even in case of empty cache / initial install.

Version 1.0.9
Changed scraping again, engadget's CDN, "5min" now demanded a URL parameter which we were not including

Version 1.0.8
Changed scraping, because engadget's CDN changed something slightly. 

Version 1.0.7
Changed author, divingmule did not respond to pull requests

Version 1.0.6
Now using different scraping backend, should cope with engadget's bad html

Version 1.0.5
fix for changed engadget website (scraping rules are working again)

Version 1.0.4
update for frodo/gotham
content is now scraped from the website,
new preferred playback setting

Version 1.0.3
fix for engadget videos

Version 1.0.2
fix for changes in the rss feed

Version 1.0.1
added download to the context menu

Version 0.0.2
new icon, thanks freezy!

Version 0.0.1