Letter M

mythffmpeg - MythTV build of FFmpeg

Website: http://www.mythtv.org/
License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and LGPLv2 and (GPLv2 or QPL) and (GPLv2+ or LGPLv2+)
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Several MythTV utilities interact with FFmpeg, which changes its parameters
often enough to make it a hassle to support the variety of versions used by
MythTV users.  This is a snapshot of the FFmpeg code so that MythTV utilities
can interact with a known verion.


mythffmpeg-29.1-25.39.20181004git74fff5c285.fc29.aarch64 [5.5 MiB] Changelog by Sérgio Basto (2018-10-05):
- Update to from branch fixes/29
- Fixes ERROR: ambiguous python shebang in F30
- Rework sources to avoid upload a new snapshot with 100MB, for every commit.
- Revert upstream commit b9c5f8b2ff983343d2545ec87022d18fcf65fe1f to fix build.

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