Letter X

xmms-mplayer - MPlayer plugin for XMMS

Website: http://xmmsmplayer.sourceforge.net
License: GPL+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Xmms-MPlayer is an input plugin for XMMS that allows you to play all audio and
video files in XMMS. Thus, allowing you to use XMMS as a playlist frontend for
MPlayer. This project aims at merely being a connecting link between XMMS and
MPlayer. It does not intend to get involved into any processing of video files,
all that is left to MPlayer.


xmms-mplayer-0.5-13.fc29.aarch64 [28 KiB] Changelog by Leigh Scott (2018-08-19):
- Rebuilt for Fedora 29 Mass Rebuild binutils issue

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-9.fc26