This describes how to use smbclient to connect to an OS/2 server.
Knowing this allows you to use a OS/2 printer from unix.


How to login to an OS/2 server

Sample setup for OS/2 server running LanMan 2.2:

	OS/2 Server Name      : \\OBV11
	OS/2 User Account     : ARNE
	OS/2 Password         : xxx
	OS/2 shared service 1 : LASER02	
	OS/2 Shared service 2 : PCPROGS	
	Samba NetBIOS name    : KLATREMUS

First, the two servers were started with the commands
smbd and nmbd -n KLATREMUS.

Command to connect to a the shared printer LASER02 on the OS/2 server:
	smbclient '\\OBV11\LASER02' xxx -n ARNE -U ARNE -P

and to connect to the shared drive 'PCPROGS':

	smbclient '\\OBV11\PCPROGS' xxx -n ARNE -U ARNE

If login to the OS/2 server fails:

The remarkable OS/2 server requires NetBIOS name to be equal to User name.
This was the only combination of (NetBIOS name, User name) that allowed login.

Password xxx must be in upper case, case in user name is unimportant.

The OS/2 server responds with "Bad password - name/password pair"
if the password is illegal (in lowercase, for example).

If correct user name and password, but invalid NetBIOS name is given,
it responds with "... SMBtcon failed. ERRDOS - 65".

The OS/2 server can disable login from a list of workstations (PCs)
corresponding to the NetBIOS name (-n option). I set it up to
allow login from any workstation.

(I experimented quite a lot with the -U and -n options, printed and browsed
the MS SMB protocol docs and the RFC's, then read some comp.protocols.smb,
got some tips, tried some "stupid" command line options, 
and at last I got it working!)
