Letter V
Packages beginning with letter "V".
- VLGothic-fonts - Japanese TrueType font
- VLGothic-fonts-proportional - Proportional Japanese TrueType font
- v4l2-tool - This package gives v4l2 device information of webcam
- vala - A modern programming language for GNOME
- vala-devel - Development files for vala
- vala-doc - Documentation for vala
- vala-tools - Tools for creating projects and bindings for vala
- valgrind - Tool for finding memory management bugs in programs
- valgrind-devel - Development files for valgrind
- valknut - Valknut is a QT Direct Connect client
- vamp-plugin-sdk - An API for audio analysis and feature extraction plugins
- vamp-plugin-sdk-devel - Development files for vamp-plugin-sdk
- vamp-plugin-sdk-static - Static libraries for vamp-plugin-sdk
- varconf - Configuration library used by WorldForge clients
- varconf-devel - Development files for varconf library
- varnish - Varnish is a high-performance HTTP accelerator
- varnish-libs - Libraries for varnish
- varnish-libs-devel - Development files for varnish-libs
- vavoom - Enhanced Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife source port
- vbetool - Run real-mode video BIOS code to alter hardware state
- vblade - Virtual EtherDrive (R) blade daemon
- vconfig - Linux 802.1q VLAN configuration utility
- vdccm - Serial connection daemon for Pocket PC devices
- vdccm-devel - Development libraries and header files for vdccm
- vdr - Video Disk Recorder
- vdr-devel - Development files for VDR
- vdr-femon - DVB frontend status monitor plugin for VDR
- vdr-osdteletext - OSD teletext plugin for VDR
- vdr-skins - Collection of OSD skins for VDR
- vdr-skinsoppalusikka - The "Soppalusikka" skin for VDR
- vdr-sudoku - Sudoku plugin for VDR
- vdr-text2skin - OSD skin plugin for VDR
- vdr-ttxtsubs - Teletext subtitles plugin for VDR
- vdr-tvonscreen - Enhanced EPG data viewer for VDR
- vdr-wapd - WAP remote control interface for VDR
- vdradmin-am - Web interface for VDR
- vdrift - VDrift is a cross-platform, open source driving/drift racing simulation
- vdrift-data - VDrift data set
- vecmath1.2 - Free version of vecmath from the Java3D 1.2 specification
- vecmath1.2-javadoc - Javadoc for vecmath1.2
- vegastrike - 3D OpenGL spaceflight simulator
- vegastrike-data - Data files for Vega Strike
- velocity - Java-based template engine
- velocity-demo - Demo for velocity
- velocity-javadoc - Javadoc for velocity
- velocity-manual - Manual for velocity
- verbiste - French conjugation system
- verbiste-devel - C++ development files for the Verbiste library
- verbiste-gnome - GNOME Panel applet for Verbiste
- veusz - GUI scientific plotting package
- viaideinfo - Displays the information of installed VIA IDE controllers
- videodog - Command-line video4linux frame-grabber
- viewmtn - Web interface for Monotone version control system
- viewvc - Browser interface for CVS and SVN version control repositories
- vigra - Generic Programming for Computer Vision
- vigra-devel - Development tools for programs which will use the vigra library
- vim-X11 - The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System
- vim-common - The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor
- vim-enhanced - A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
- vim-minimal - A minimal version of the VIM editor
- vim-vimoutliner - Script for building an outline editor on top of Vim
- vinagre - VNC client for the GNOME desktop
- vino - A remote desktop system for GNOME
- vips - Library for processing large images
- vips-devel - Development tools for programs for processing large images
- vips-doc - Documentation for VIPS image processing library
- vips-python - Python support for the VIPS image processing library
- vips-tools - Command-line tools for processing large images
- virt-ctrl - OCaml virtualization graphical utility
- virt-df - Utility like df(1) for displaying disk space in guests
- virt-manager - Virtual Machine Manager
- virt-top - Utility like top(1) for displaying virtualization stats
- virt-viewer - Virtual Machine Viewer
- viruskiller - Frantic shooting game where viruses invade your computer
- vkeybd - Virtual MIDI keyboard
- vlock - A program which locks one or more virtual consoles
- vnc - A remote display system
- vnc-libs - VNC Remote framebuffer libraries
- vnc-ltsp-config - Easy Enabler of VNC remote LTSP desktops
- vnc-reflector - A specialized, multiplexing vnc proxy server
- vnc-server - A VNC server
- vnstat - Console-based network traffic monitor
- vodovod - A pipe connecting game
- voikko-tools - Test tools for libvoikko
- vorbis-tools - The Vorbis General Audio Compression Codec tools
- vorbisgain - Adds tags to Ogg Vorbis files to adjust the volume
- vpnc - IPSec VPN client compatible with Cisco equipment
- vpnc-consoleuser - Allows console user to run the VPN client directly
- vsftpd - Very Secure Ftp Daemon
- vte - A terminal emulator
- vte-devel - Files needed for developing applications which use vte
- vtk - The Visualization Toolkit - A high level 3D visualization library
- vtk-devel - VTK header files for building C++ code
- vtk-examples - Examples for VTK
- vtk-python - Python bindings for VTK
- vtk-qt - Qt bindings for VTK
- vtk-tcl - Tcl bindings for VTK
- vtk-testing - Testing programs for VTK
- vtkdata - Example data file for VTK
- vym - View your mind